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Since when was eating less the answer to feeling less hungry?


Using the power of your inner mind to create effortless health and vitality that lasts a lifetime

(We don't do diets here)

Do you remember how you felt early on in your career? 

Full of joy, zest and energy – ready to take on the world and keen to achieve.


You worked hard, did what it took and earned your spot.


But do you remember when things started to change? 

Your energy levels felt different, getting out of bed became harder, bouts of fatigue or actual illness became more frequent, or it all just started to seem a little harder than it ought to be? 


Perhaps the focus on earning your spot might have skewed balance away from your health?

Is it possible the fatigue, niggles, and extra weight, are all signs your body would love more attention?


You may have already been paying attention… Trying various options to redress the balance: special diets, exercise, super foods – But has any of this really given you the results you want?


The issue isn’t with the solutions you’ve tried so far – they’re all valid steps towards achieving the goal you seek:

Health… A life with more energy... A life that's pain-free & hunger-free


But the truth is diets, exercise, etc. address only part of the story… The missing link is what’s going on in your head.


I work with you on what’s going on in your head as well as your body


The good news is achieving health is hardly ever about a special diet or will power…


The key is actually hidden in your subconscious mind.


We’ll work together to reveal the “real you” - youthful, exuberant, energetic - the you you remember, but don’t always see in the mirror. 


Have you ever watched a baby feeding or using their soother?


The look of serenity and contentment on their face is a delight to behold – everything is good in the world.

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Now consider… 


Do you find yourself snacking when you're bored? 

Have you noticed fatigue and cravings for "naughty" foods go hand in hand? 

Would you rather get a cup of tea (& a biscuit) than deal with that annoying email?


When we don't feel good inside, we look for something outside to make us feel better. 


Food can be an excellent soother. The problem is, using food in this way can lead to a vicious cycle of…


Feeling down ➞ Eating ➞ Feeling guilty ➞ Needing food again!!


How were you feeling the last time you had a food craving? Did you feel out of sorts without knowing why?


I help you with your food cravings


I help you understand why you eat the things you do – even when you don’t want to.

As you would expect from working with a nutritionist, we’ll start with the basics - identifying which foods are good for your specific circumstances, monitoring your progress, organising blood tests where needed etc.




I’m your accountability partner, walking beside you as you unravel the situations which cause you to reach for those “naughty foods” that leave you feeling guilty.


I support you while you explore your subconscious mind and your habits – working out what’s serving you, and how to discard what isn’t.


I give you the time and space you need to challenge yourself and reveal the wonderful person that’s been waiting to emerge. 


Together we’ll move you towards your goals - whether that’s more energy, a fitter body, or thriving through all life throws at you with ease.  


You’ll have a new relationship with food, and better still a new relationship with yourself – realising the power you have to achieve anything you set your mind to.

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Why I Coach

I fully believe achieving success and fulfilment in our working lives must not and cannot be at the expense of our physical, emotional or mental health.


Everything I do is about helping as many people as possible achieve the wellness we all deserve.

Who I Work With

You're a smart professional and people see you as “being in control”.


But your body tells a different story… 


There've been more niggles, more fatigue, it’s getting harder and harder to get up in the morning, and/or your clothes are getting tighter.


Of course you've tried diets …but the impact on your personal and professional life is becoming more apparent.


Permanent change only comes through determined habits, self-talk and the way our brains operate.


So I work with individuals who are looking for a permanent solution to a situation that’s been going on for too long already.

I'm here  to help you put the vitality back into your life again – regain the energy it takes to remain at the top of your professional game and feel liberated in your personal life.


What To Do Now

What to do now

The absolute best way to experience the benefits and impact (and decide you’re ready for a new you), is to “try it”.


So I am inviting you to a full-experience coaching session, for free, with no obligation or expectation to continue

I’ll help you identify your specific challenges and we’ll develop a plan – which you can take forward on your own or, put into practice with my help. You're in control. I'll also give you access to a special App that makes everything clear and simple.

Book an initial full-experience coaching session. Click this link, and select a date.


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